Intended audience
Military forces.
Be in possession of a PPE inspector certificate L1 (having passed the written test or oral test) and L2 or a certificate until 30.08.2019.
Participants must be:
- in good, self-certified physical and mental condition;
- of age.
Provide the necessary skills (know-out and ability) for carrying out periodic inspections of military equipment manufactured and sold by Kong as per EN 365/2005.
The course will be activated upon reaching a minimum of 6 participants and a maximum of 12.
Theory (1 hour)
- Specific PPE for military corps
Training (3 hours)
Log Book
Who has already the Kong Log Book, should bring it in order to update.
A qualification certification is issued upon successful completion of course and test.
Refresher course
The qualification to inspect Kong military equipment has a maximum validity of two years. Renewal duration and content matter is established by Kong as and when appropriate.
Payment procedure
Bank transfer within two days of receipt of the course confirmation.
In case of cancellation, Kong S.p.A. will retain:
- 50% of the course fee if cancellation is done 2 working days before the course starts.
- The whole fee if cancellation is done the day of the course.